IIW 2020: Call for Proposal

decorative image - IIW 2020 Call for Proposals
February 24, 2020
The CLS is happy to announce that we are able to once again offer an Instructional Innovation Workshop (IIW) this academic year. 
The topic for this year is Study Abroad and the focus of the workshop will be on exploring current perspectives on language and culture learning in study abroad contexts. We invite faculty to submit proposals related to the workshop topic and anticipate that we will select a total of 8-10 projects.
If you are interested in participating in this year’s IIW, please submit a 2-3 page detailed project proposal by April 6, 2020 to Mary Jo Lubrano(link sends e-mail) or Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl(link sends e-mail)
Learn more by visiting the IIW page.