Personal Information Your first name: * Your last name: * Your e-mail address: * Your residential college and graduation year: Your residential college dean: Secondary School Information Where did you live when you attended high school? Please list locations for the last four years of secondary school. * Please provide the name(s) of your high school(s): * Does your secondary school transcript show that your high school classes were conducted in a language other than English? Yes No Please provide a copy of your secondary school transcript for us to evaluate if English was not the medium of instruction. Files must be less than 50 MB.Allowed file types: jpg jpeg pdf doc docx. Language Background Could you briefly describe your experience with the language? (Please provide as much information as possible. Where/how long used, which dialects, formal or informal study settings) * Does your proficiency include reading, writing, speaking and listening? * Yes No If you have experience with other languages, please provide descriptions of those as well. Language Study at Yale Have you taken any placement tests for languages at Yale? Yes No If so, please list the languages and placement levels. Have you already studied any foreign languages at Yale? * Yes No If so, which languages, and how many semesters have you studied them? Your question: Please let us know in detail about your inquiry CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.