CLS Brown Bag Series: Guest Speaker Rebecca Oxford, Ph.D.

Event time: 
Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 12:45pm
Event description: 

Please join us for a talk on Teaching Language, Teaching Peace by Rebecca L. Oxford, Ph.D.


Rebecca L. Oxford, Ph.D., is Professor Emerita and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, University of Maryland. She holds two degrees in Russian language (B.A., Vanderbilt; M.A., Yale) and two in educational psychology (M.Ed., Boston University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina). A prolific writer and editor, she has published 15 books and has one more in progress (Teaching Languages for Global Expertise: Peace and Positivity across Cultures, Oxford & Gregersen, Cambridge University Press). Of the 15 already published, seven are on peacebuilding, transformative education, and spirituality, the latest being Peacebuilding in Language Education: Innovations in Theory and Practice (Oxford et al., Multilingual Matters, 2021). Rebecca has published eight more books for language teachers, including five on language learning strategies, an area she helped pioneer. She currently co-edits two book series: Spirituality, Religion, and Education (Palgrave) and Transforming Education for the Future (Information Age Publishing). She edited the 69-volume Tapestry ESL/EFL book series, with North American, Middle Eastern, Chinese, and Japanese edition, 1993-2003. A Lifetime Achievement Award states, “Rebecca Oxford’s research has changed the way the world teaches languages.” She has led graduate programs in both language teacher education and psychology and has directed numerous dissertations on language teaching and learning. She is also an amateur poet and photographer, as well as avid Netflix fan, waiting impatiently for the next seasons of “Outlander” and “The Crown” and catching up on “Grey’s Anatomy.”
This event is open for registration in Yale Connect through the Center for Language Study (CLS) group and the CLS Graduate Students and FLTAs. An invite email will also be sent to Faculty, Students and other guests. If you would like to attend, but an email invite was not sent, please contact Maria Ideliu.