Event time:
Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Dow Hall, Room 100
Event description:
Our Thursday, January 30th Brown Bag will be in-person in Dow 100 from 1:00 - 2:00pm with a presentation by James Patterson and Ian Russell.
New Haven - Yale Inscriptions Project
James Patterson (Language Program Director, Senior Lector I, Classics)
With the help of introductory Latin students (and anyone else who’d like to get involved), I am building a searchable database of inscriptions in New Haven and across Yale’s campus. Students learn and employ epigraphical skills to find, edit, and publish inscriptions in the database. No need to wait to go to Rome to practice epigraphy when we can do that work right here at home and learn more about New Haven and Yale in the process.
Critical Language Awareness in the Study Abroad Classroom
Ian Russell (Lector, Spanish and Portuguese)
In Yale’s intermediate language summer sequence in Bilbao, Spain, students have reported feeling like Spain was not a diverse country and/or that they experienced racially motivated discrimination while abroad. This talk describes changes we’ve made to our study abroad curriculum to counter and ameliorate student experiences abroad, while also promoting a view of Spain’s diversity and empowering students to become active agents in the production of cultural analysis and knowledge even at the intermediate level. I’ll discuss some of the multi-modal projects our team has implemented that invite reflection and critical analysis about Spanish and US American ideas of nation, migration, race, and other identity categories.
Open to:
Yale Community Only