Courses offered Fall 2020

Courses offered Fall 2020

(Please note that these courses require permission of the instructor or a placement exam for students who were not enrolled in the prerequisite courses in the fall semester.)

All SCI classes will be taking place online via Zoom.

meeting times
Advanced Bengali (BNGL 150) TBD
Elementary Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian   (SBCR 110) MWF 10:10-11:25
Intermediate Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian   (SBCR 130) MWF 11:40-12:55
Intermediate Burmese (BURM 130)


Intermediate Dutch (DUTC 130) MW 4:10-6:00
Advanced Dutch (DUTC 150) MW 1:15-2:30
Elementary Finnish (FNSH 110) TTh 5:10-7:00
Elementary Hungarian (HGRN 110) MTWTh 10:10-11:00
Intermediate Hungarian (HGRN 130) MTWTh 9:10-10:00
Elementary Khmer (KHMR 110)


Intermediate Khmer (KHMR 130) TBD
Advanced Nepali TF 1:25 - 2:40

Elementary Punjabi (PNJB 110)

MW 6:10-8:00

Intermediate Punjabi (PNJB 130) TTh 4:30-6:20
Elementary Romanian (ROMN 110)


Intermediate Romanian (ROMN 130) TBD
Elementary Sinhala (SNHL 110)


Intermediate Sinhala (SNHL 130) TBD
Elementary Tamil (TAML 110)

MTWTh 1:10-2:00

Elementary Twi (TWI 110) MTWTh 12:30-1:20
Intermediate Twi (TWI 130) MTWTh 9:00-9:50
Elementary Classical Tibetan (TBTN 110) MW 4:10-6:00
Intermediate Classical Tibetan (TBTN 130) MW 10:10am-12:00pm

Elementary Modern Tibetan (MTBT 110)

MTWTh 12:10-1:00

Intermediate Modern Tibetan (MTBT 130)

MW 2:40-3:55
Advanced Modern Tibetan (MTBT 150) TTh 10:10-11:25am
Elementary Ukrainian (UKRN 110) MWTh 11:40am-12:25pm
Intermediate Ukrainian (UKRN 130)

MWTh 10:10-11:25am

Advanced Ukrainian (UKRN 150)

MW 2:40-3:55

Elementary Wolof (WLOF 110) MTWTh 12:10-1:00
Intermediate Wolof (WLOF 130) MW 2:10-4:00
Advanced Wolof (WLOF 150) TTh 2:10-4:00
Elementary Yoruba  MTWTh 10:10-11:00
Elementary Zulu (ZULU 110) MTWThF 11:35-12:25
Intermediate Zulu (ZULU 130) MTWThF 9:25-10:15

Advanced Zulu (Zulu 150)

MW 4:00-5:15